
RYA Training Centre

RYA Day Skipper Course £195.00, 3 weekends starting 25 October 2025. If you are looking for a VHF course or RYA Day Skipper Shorebased Course then please see the information below:

Upcoming courses…

RYA Day Skipper Theory Course
2025  (3 weekends)

25 & 26; 1 & 2 November 2025 and 15 & 16 November 2025.

All you need to know for safe navigation in coastal waters close to land. The course is suitable for both sail and power; indeed both activities are covered. Click on icon below for leaflet.

On successful completion you will be awarded a RYA Day Skipper Shore based Certificate.

Price: £195.00
Discounted price for Scout Association members: £170.00

If you require any further information on the course or wish to book a place you can contact Sandy Walls on 0141 637 5900 or email

RYA Day Skipper leaflet 29th


(Next course 16 March 2025)

Available to anyone over the age of sixteen, this ten hour course consists of:

  • One full day in a classroom setting;
  • Pre-course homework (approximately 2 hours) where delegates read the VHF handbook and familiarise themselves with the phonetic alphabet (shown below). The handbook (ore-book if you prefer) is provided in advance with an easy to follow summary sheet of the main learning points provided on the day. This preparation work enables the course and exam to be conducted in one day.

The course covers:

  • Regulations and procedures;
  • Ships licence and operator’s certificate;
  • GMDSS including Sea Areas;
  • MMSI and equipment;
  • Procedure for making distress, urgency, safety and routine calls;
  • The use of marine GMDSS VHF-DSC equipment in practice (using the RYA approved Simrad RD68T VHF radio with DSC Designed for Training).

Participants will benefit from practical experience in using Simrad RD68 DSC VHF Radios (training variant). In addition, operational hand held VHF radios will be available for familiarisation purposes.

On completion of the course, delegates will be independently assessed and, on successful completion of the test paper, will be awarded Maritime Radio Operator Certificate of Competence – Short Range Certificate.

The course is conducted indoors at Cameron Halls, the Headquarters of the 29th Glasgow Scout Group whose address is shown below. Comfortable casual clothing is all that is necessary. Cost is £130.00, which includes the cost of the independent RYA Assessment and the radio licence.

Tea and coffee will be available throughout the day. A buffet lunch is also provided. If you have any special dietary needs then please let us know beforehand.

Requirement: participants must bring a passport type photograph (not Polaroid) which we will forward to the RYA along with the license application on successful completion of the course.

If you require any further information on the course or wish to book a place you can contact Sandy Walls on 0141 637 5900 or email